Privacy Policy





Our Commitment to Privacy


The Privacy Policy of ours was formulated in such a way that it acts as a display of our promise to merge the high-quality services and work along with the utmost level of honesty in handling our partners and clients. This Policy is written to help you in having an in-depth knowledge on how we gather, utilize and protect your personal information that you provide us that would indirectly help you in proceeding with your decisions while making use of our site along with our products and services. This commitment will be assessed continuously with respect to considering latest technologies, practices involved in the business and on our customers' changing needs. RashiClinic is not a dating or friendship site which encourages chatting. This is a serious and reliable online medical consultation site which might serve to be a path towards the betterment of  your health.



“RASHICLINIC” is the sole owner of the information collected on

“RASHICLINIC” collects information from our users at several different points on our Website/Mobile Application (, App (Mobile Applications) or other platforms (API or Physical Forms).

  • By using the services or by otherwise giving us your information, you will be deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the practices and policies outlined in this privacy policy and agree to be bound by the privacy policy.
  • The Services may change from time to time, at the sole discretion of Rashi Clinic, and the Agreement will apply to your visit to and your use of the Website/Mobile Application to avail the Service, as well as to all information provided by you on the Website/Mobile Application at any given point in time.
  • This Agreement defines the Privacy policy under which you are allowed to use the Website/Mobile Application/Mobile Application and describes the manner in which we shall treat your account while you are registered as a member with us. If you have any questions about any part of the Agreement, feel free to contact us at
  • By downloading or accessing the Website/Mobile Application/Mobile Application to use the Services, you irrevocably accept all the privacy policy available on the Website/Mobile Application/Mobile Application, and agree to abide by them. This Agreement supersedes all previous oral and written Privacy policy  (if any) communicated to you relating to your use of the Website/Mobile Application to avail the Services. By availing any Service, you signify your acceptance of the terms of this Agreement.
  • We reserve the right to modify or terminate any portion of the Agreement for any reason and at any time, and such modifications shall be informed to you in writing You should read the Agreement at regular intervals. Your use of the Website/Mobile Application following any such modification constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the Agreement so modified.
  • It is mandatory  to accept  the Privacy  policy of the Website/Mobile Application to  access the services of this Website/Mobile Application. It is also mandatory  to accept  the terms and conditions and Privacy  policy of the concerned doctor/healthcare provider, or any  organization listed on Website/Mobile Application to  access their services.

 You acknowledge that you will be bound by this Agreement for availing any of the Services offered by us.

  • makes sure that the understanding about your concern for enhanced privacy and sustaining the protection of our user’s personal information which includes their names, contact details and address shared with us. We, being a trustworthy medical personnel in India, take appropriate steps towards protecting your privacy.
  • For visiting Rashiclinic Website/Mobile Application, you need not reveal any personal information of yours. You must be atleast 18 years of age to transact directly with Rashiclinic and also to consent to the processing of your personal data.  If we become aware that a person submitting personal information is under the Permissible Age, we will delete the account and any related information as soon as possible. The individual user who explores our Website/Mobile Application can remain completely anonymous until they make a booking with us.
  • Our privacy policy does not allow sharing of the information submitted by the visitors of our site and users of our services to any company or individuals. Experiences of our patients are shared (Text/Audio/Video) on our Website/Mobile Application, only after a written consent is obtained before hand.

E mail Privacy Policy

We have created this e-mail privacy policy to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy and the protection of your information.
If you received a mailing from us, (a) your e-mail address is either listed with us as someone who has expressly shared this address for the purpose of receiving information in the future (“opt-in”), or (b) you have registered or purchased or otherwise have an existing relationship with us. We respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our mailings.
We use security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of data used by our system.

  • Rashi Clinic shall not be responsible in any manner for the authenticity of the personal information or sensitive personal data or information supplied by the User to Rashi Clinic or to any other person acting on behalf of Rashi Clinic.
  • The User is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the User’s account access information and password, if the User is registered on the Website/Mobile Application. The User shall be responsible for all usage of the User’s account and password, whether or not authorized by the User. The User shall immediately notify Rashi Clinic of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of the User’s account or password. Although Rashi Clinic will not be liable for your losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account, you may be liable for the losses of Rashi Clinic or such other parties as the case may be, due to any unauthorized use of your account.
  • If a User has utilized the telephonic services, Rashi Clinic reserves the right to share the information provided by the User with the Practitioner and store such information and/or conversation of the User with the Practitioner, in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Sharing And Usuage

We will never share, sell, or rent individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered by a court of law. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you e-mails based on your request for information and to contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating to our communications with you.
Each e-mail sent contains an easy, automated way for you to cease receiving e-mail from us, or to change your expressed interests. If you wish to do this, simply follow the instructions at the end of any e-mail.

Cookies And Their Usage:

A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user's computer tied to information about the user. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information while on our site. We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. For the session ID cookie, once users close the browser, the cookie simply terminates. A persistent cookie is a small text file stored on the user's hard drive for an extended period of time. Persistent cookies can be removed by following Internet browser help file directions. By setting a cookie on our site, users would not have to log in a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our site. If users reject the cookie, they may still use our site. The only drawback to this is that the user will be limited in some areas of our site. For example, the user will not be able to obtain self-service technical support or participate in any of our sweepstakes, contests or monthly drawings that may take place. Persistent cookies enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our site. See the "Profile" section.

We want to establish that some of our redirecting web pages might use "cookies" to provide the users with better and personalized information while they browse our site. Cookies are also responsible for enabling the Website/Mobile Applications to provide smooth progress of your upcoming visits to our site. Data that we tend to collect through the cookies would be used only for analyzing and improving our services towards you. No individual personal information with respect to your identity is collected, stored or used during this process.

Remarketing uses ad words of google for remarketing lists. being a third party collects data about your surf to our websites and shows relatable advertisements on the websites as well as on the network of google. does not collect this data. This is a cookie based process. Most browsers tend to allow you to get rid of the cookies. Visitors can even opt out of Google's use of cookies by clicking the Ads Preferences Manager. Also, you can opt out by clicking the opt-out page in Network Advertising Initiative.


Sharing Information With Affiliates


Time and again, you may come across offers from third party companies being advertised on our site. We take steps to pick product or service providers that are safe and known for rendering privacy protections to their customers. However, we cannot make any display of the practices and policies of these companies.




What Kind Of Personal Details, Rashiclinic Collects? How Do We Use Them?

When a customer/user carries out booking  or sign-up for newsletters of our Website/Mobile Application,  We send all new members a welcoming e-mail to verify password and username. Established members may occasionally receive information on products, services, and special deals. Out of respect for the privacy of our users, we present the option to not receive these types of communications.

Rashiclinic collects the personal information of user or Doctor/healthcare provider listed below while you transact:

  • Name of the customer/user
  • Age
  • Gender
  • E-mail ID
  • Contact or phone number
  • Credit Card information
  • Address of the customer/Nationality
  • Above mentioned and other Personal information of other users/users/family members/relatives/friends considered as patients.
  • Medical history including previous history and present medical complaints of user seeking  medical  advise.
  • Doctor’s/healthcare providers’s personal/professional  information including, education/qualification, registration number, speciality, location, etc.
  • IP address, browser type and language, your access times
  • CCTV footage and other information we collect when you access our premises
  • Recording of telephone calls to our representatives and call centers.


Rashiclinic does not reveal or share any of the sensitive details mentioned above without the permission of its respective users or users. The above listed information is collected from the customer for the following usage:

Registering to be a member:

If you wish to be a registered member of our site, information like name, age, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address, a unique login name and password will be requested from the user. This information is collected during the registration procedure for the following purposes like:

  1. Recognition of the user.
  2. Validating/authenticating your account and to prevent any misuse.
  3. For contacting you at times where there is a need to meet your specific requirement.
  4. For connecting with you regarding customer service related purposes, at times of necessity.
  5. For completing every booking.
  6. For communicating your member registration and booking confirmation performed with us.
  7. Sending verification messages or e-mails.
  8. For improving our products and services.
  9. For customizing or updating the content(s) of our Website/Mobile Application, mobile site and mobile app.
  10. Keep you informed about the transaction status.
  11. Contact you to offer a special gift or offer on your birthday/anniversary/festival etc .



We store information that we collect through cookies and log files to create a profile of our users. A profile is stored information that we keep on individual users that detail their viewing preferences. Consequently, collected information is tied to the user's personally identifiable information to provide offers and improve the content of the site for the user. This profile is used to tailor a user's visit to our Website/Mobile Application and to direct pertinent marketing promotions to him. We do not share your profile with other third parties.

To Book a Service:

Every information such as the name, address, phone number and age details, medical  history  and present  medical  complaints are shared with the concerned Doctor/ health care service providers in order to book  appointment for users/users.


To subscribe to Promotional Offers/Marketing Programs: makes use of information like contact number and e-mail address for communicating the information regarding any promotional offers. Marketing promotions, and programs help us to identify our users’ preferences, and improve user experience.  Most often, we conduct sponsored promotions and lucky draws to provide the members with an opportunity to get discounts on Health packages, consultations or other prizes. This is completely optional and the user can unsubscribe from such e-mails at any time. In such cases, users will be unaware about any ongoing promotions or discounts. As a registered User, you will also occasionally receive updates from Rashiclinic about  special discount offers, savings and benefits/profits on health packages.

Automatic Logging of Session Data:-

We record session data of the users, which includes IP address, Operating System, browser software and the activities of the user on his/her device. We collect session data to  identify the problems with our servers and lets us improve our systems. We do not identify any visitor personally with this information and only examine the user’s rough geographic position.


Surveys: concentrates on the importance of its users’ opinion. It often conduct surveys and makes use of personal information to invite its regular users for continually taking part in the surveys. Users can participate in these surveys as per their own interest. Most probably, we conduct surveys to understand about their experiences with and to make our Website/Mobile Application, mobile site and mobile app more user-friendly for our users. Contestants who participate in the survey would remain anonymous.


Protection Of Sensitive Information:

Sensitive information includes Credit/Debit Card and Net Banking Details which are collected through the payment gateways and banks and not by Rashiclinic and will use that information for the billing and payment processes, including but not limited to the use and disclosure of such credit card number and information to third parties as necessary to complete such billing operation. Verification of credit information, however, is accomplished solely by the User through the authentication process. User’s credit-card/debit card details are transacted upon secure sites of approved payment gateways which are digitally under encryption, thereby providing the highest possible degree of care as per current technology. However, Rashi Clinic provides you an option not to save your payment details. User is advised, however, that internet technology is not full proof safe and User should exercise discretion on using the same.

Even if the information gets stored on our Website/Mobile Application, it will remain completely unshared and safe, which excludes the scenario where it would have been shared with any third party sites by fault while browsing our Website/Mobile Application. At times, those information shall be shared with a few third parties to carry out any Cashback offers & discounts.

  • Rashiclinic makes sure that maximum initiatives are taken to safeguard the information you share with us. We have incorporated advanced technology and respective security measures along with strict guidelines to safeguard our user’s privacy and secure their information from any unauthorized access. We constantly thrive to enhance our security policy by making use of advanced technology.
  • Our privacy policy or guidelines may change from time to  time subject to  various legal, business and customer requirements or any sudden circumstances and immediate technological enhancement. To go through our new privacy policy, keep checking our Website/Mobile Application continuously.
  • It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password, your computer and your mobile phone. Be sure to log off from the Website/Mobile Application when finished. Rashi Clinic does not undertake any liability for any unauthorised use of your account and password. If you suspect any unauthorized use of your account, you must immediately notify Rashi Clinic by sending an e-mail to You shall be liable to indemnify Rashi Clinic due to any loss suffered by it due to such unauthorized use of your account and password.
  • Your Personal Information is maintained by Rashi Clinic in electronic form on its equipment, and on the equipment of its employees. Rashi Clinic takes all necessary precautions to protect your personal information both online and off-line, and implements reasonable security practices and measures including certain managerial, technical, operational and physical security control measures that are commensurate with respect to the information being collected and the nature of Rashi Clinic’s business.
  • Rashi Clinic shall not be responsible for any breach of security or for any actions of any third parties or events that are beyond the reasonable control of Rashi Clinic including but not limited to, acts of government, computer hacking, unauthorised access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, poor quality of Internet service or telephone service of the User etc.

Time frame For Keeping Your Personal Information ?

Rashiclinic will retain your Personal Information on its servers for as long as you are registered user on our Website/Mobile Application. In some circumstances we may retain your Personal Information for longer periods of time, for instance where we are required to do so in accordance with any legal, regulatory, tax or accounting necessities , any retention period that is required by law  in which litigation or investigations might arise in respect of the services. Where your personal data is no longer required we will ensure it is either securely deleted or stored in a secured manner not to  be used by the business. Even after your account is terminated, we retain your data for as long as we have a legitimate purpose to do so as per applicable law including to assist with legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Permissions Asked During Rashiclinic Mobile App Installation:- (Android & IOS)

Rashi Clinic may by its Services, collect information relating to the devices through which you access the Website/Mobile Application, and anonymous data of your usage. The collected information will be used only for improving the quality of Rashi Clinic’s services and to build new services. Analyzing software usage patterns for improving product design and utility.


When Rashiclinic app is installed on your phone, a list of permissions appears. Permissions that Rashiclinic requires are:

Device ID:- This permission helps us in identifying your Android ID through which we can exclusively recognize our users. It also lets us know your contact details through which we auto-fill specific details and guarantee a seamless booking experience.

Device & App history:- We need your device permission to collect details like operating system,name & version, mobile network, preferred language, mobile unique number to  identify  the device and its hardware model number etc. hence optimizing your booking  experience.

Identity:- With this you allow us to get the info of your account(s) on your mobile device. This information is used to fill your e-mail IDs automatically. With this you can automatically  login to  your associated  social  media platforms like  Facebook, Twitter,Insta, Google etc. It allows us mapping e-mail ID’s of users to give them the benefits of exclusive discounts and cashback offers etc.

Location:-  We will not collect or use the specific/particular location of your mobile device without first getting your permission. You can always stop sharing your location, if at any point you feels not to  share it. It does not include IP address. The permissions will benefit the user location specific deals and provide you a personalized experience with time zone. With this permission, you allow us for letting you know the benefits of ongoing specific offers on your location. When you launch Rashiclinic app for appointment booking, we detect your location automatically and your nearest clinic,hospital,doctor is auto-filled.

Contacts:- Without  your permission, We will not scan or import your contacts stored on your phone. We will only use the contact information to help you find friends or contacts who use Rashiclinic App. If you allow us by  your permission, we can invite your friends to try our app and also give them recommendations for various healthcare related services. These details will be stored on our servers and synchronized from your phone.

SMS:-  We provide updates on booking/payment confirmation, cancellation, rescheduling, discount  coupons etc. This information is stored in a secured environment. On permitting your SMS, the ‘OTP’ is filled automatically while making transactions. Thus making a convenient booking experience without moving out of the app to  fill the OTP.

Calendar:-  On your calendar, we can put a follow-up consultation  plan with the help of this permission. Making an easy schedule to  plan up  your next  consultation.

Photo/ Media/ Files:- With this permission map data is saved to your phone's external storage, like Memory cards. Hence not re-downloading the same map data every  time  and even on low bandwidth network, making easy, swift and convenient map based doctor/clinic/hospital and area selection experience.

Camera:- Without your permission, We will not access your photos or camera  and we will never scan or import your photo library.We will only use those images for which  you specifically will give your permission to share with us either from mobile image gallery/library or camera.


Color Indicators to indicate the user’s state

The color indicators will be provided in order to indicate the user’s state of presence like:


Green color: This color indicates that the user has been verified and accepted as a reliable user. The paid customers also get to have the green color code. It also indicates that the user is online.


Red color: This color indicates that this profile is not a reliable verified profile and the profile is thereby not complete. It also indicates that the user is offline.


KYC verification

It is an obligation that every user who enroll themselves on Rashiclinic must complete a KYC verification process in order to create transparency among other users who trust the site. An KYC verification enables the users to connect with fellow users who take up the site seriously. It is part of the policy and without KYC, registration wouldn’t be complete.


With Whom Your Personal Information Is Shared

Service Providers

Your information shall be shared with the end service providers like Doctors/Healthcare providers registered and listed on rashiclinic Website/Mobile Application/app. While booking with Rashiclinic you authorize us to share your information with the said service providers. Rashiclinic does not authorize the end service providers to use your information for any other purpose(s) except for booking of services as mentioned above. But it is beyond our vision that how they use your data hence Rashiclinic cannot be made accountable for the same because no  one can keep  an  eye on end service providers.Therefore  You are  advised to review the privacy policies of the concerned/respective Doctor, Clinic, hospital or health care  service provider  whose services you are planning to avail. Rashiclinic does not sell or rent individual customer names or other Personal Information of Users to third parties except sharing of such information with our business partners  who are engaged by us for providing various referral services or for sharing promotional and other benefits to our users. Partners like credit cards,  banking cards, payment gateways etc and the services so availed will be governed by the privacy policy of the concerned/respective service provider.

Disclosure Of Information

In addition to the circumstances described above, Rashiclinic may disclose User's Personal Information if required to do so:

  • by court order , required by any enforcement organization/authority for investigation purposes, or in reference to any legal process by  law.
  • For internal compliance and audit purposes.
  • For the smooth conduction of our business
  • to secure our systems
  • Our Website/Mobile Application hosts various blogs, forums/testimonials and other social media applications or services where you can share your content with other users. Any personal data that you post to these Social Media platforms can be read, collected and used by other users of the application. We have  no control over these other users, so any information you post to these Social Media platforms might not be handled in line with this privacy policy.
  • when we believe that disclosing Personal Information of User(s) is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be causing interference with our constitutional rights or properties, assests,etc whether delebrately or otherwise, or any physical, mental, emotional, monetary harm can be done to  any  one or all of its (Rashiclinic’s), associates, employees, directors by such  mischevious/illegal activities. In that case we are not liable to  inform you about such disclosure and storage. And In that case, we shall not be held liable to you or any third party for any damages if howsoever occurs from such disclosure and storage.

Service Announcements

On rare occasions, it is necessary to send out a strictly service-related announcement. For instance, if our service is temporarily suspended for maintenance, we might send users an e-mail. Users may opt-out of these communications.

Customer Service

We communicate with users on a regular basis to provide requested services and in regards to issues relating to their account, we reply via e-mail or phone, in accordance with the users' wishes.


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