About Us


Our central mission is to provide the best of facilities as per the motive of this website/app to the people for seeking  the medical  advices, by providing the best offers to explore medical consultations and or treatment. Our terms and conditions may change at any time. Kindly make sure to check the website/mobile app frequently to be updated on the changes. We would send a notification if you have subscribed else there would be a notification on the home page to send an update on the same.

Rashiclinic.com is health maintenance portal  to treat individuals holistically, irrespective of their location.

In todays busy  life schedule, some times it becomes very difficult  to  personally  visit  the clinic or wait in queue to seek medical advise.  Rashiclinic.com  brings you the virtual  platform treating  actually at the ease of your time and irrespective of location. One can  book the appointment of your choice of doctor/clinic at the convenience of your time.

Rashi Clinic is physically  located at Faridabad. It is Allopathic and homeopathic centre under one roof run by MD. Medicine, Physician and B.H.M.S. , Homeopath physician having experience of > 20 years and 18 years respectively.

Homeopathy is a Medical science based on the well proven premise that the body has its own power to heal. Homeopathy is Discovered by German M.D. physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann,  in 1796. Homeopathy has existed for more than 200 years, and yet, is the youngest system of Medicine to be safe and effective in treating ailments serious and minor, acute and chronic, physical and emotional. He founded this system on the stated natural and universal principle of ‘like cures like’, or ‘what can cause can cure’ also known as “Similia similibus curantur”.

 A healthy body is like a well-oiled machine where every part and organ of the body works in harmony. Homeopathy aims to treat each particular sick individual holistically. Homeopathy considers the Man as a whole, not just the individual parts or organs being sick or healthy.

Homoeopathy is emerging as today’s choice of system of medicine. It is one of the most gentle, natural and reliable mode of treatment.  Homoeopathy offers long lasting & most effective results in almost all kinds of diseases whether acute or chronic without any complications. Homoeopathic medicines have no side effects; they are safe to administer to any age group including children. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects.

 Homeopathy uses medicines prepared from natural substances that are prescribed on the basic fundamental laws. Homeopathy is much safer and quicker than other modes of treatment. Homeopathy is a complete medical science which has remedies for psychological, pathological, and physiological disorders and it also helps end drug disorders.

The rationale behind Homeopathy is not just to treat the symptoms or pathology. It is to go for the prime base- the Immune System, and enhance it to the level of positive response. All this is achieved in the gentlest way possible, taking the individual, not only out of disease, but on to the path of health.

We are providing this rashiclinic.com platform  for the online consultation.  This platform is very  easy  to  operate and user friendly and very  economic.

This platform  also  opens the door  for making the carrier options by  registering  the doctors/healthcare providers, clinics, hospitals etc.

Please contact us for further clarifications. We will be more than happy to serve you!